Who We Are

Property Intelligence is a data mining company.  We have compiled information from hundreds of public and private sources as well as databases from a wide range of jurisdictions, to gather insightful information on properties and neighborhoods.

The Problem

Communities are deprived of data aggregation and the insight and opportunities that come with it.  As it stands neighborhood information is fragmented and disparate in nature.

In addition to this lack of compiled information, the data that is recorded in such a way that the information cannot be shared.

The Solution

Property Intelligence has brought together the titans of data collection and the leaders in real estate to assemble and analyze millions of neighborhood and property records.

The Benefit

Having neighborhood reports that provide key primary data of areas that matter to you, help you make better and wiser decisions by helping you understand your targeted neighborhood better.  Our reports give you the added leverage that enables you to negotiate your deal, with better understanding and insight.